HEETS Abora Pearl - A new fragrance with hints of green fruits
Heets wholesale supply - Zotty LTD

Do you want to have control over what flavor your tobacco filling gives you? Besides quality tobacco, are you looking for something fresh and juicy to taste? We have a new product for you: HEETS Abora Pearl. Enjoy the combination of a quality tobacco filling with a capsule, the activation of which is completely in your hands.
The manufacturer has prepared a fragrance with notes of green garden fruits in a new product - HEETS Abora Pearl. Thanks to him, we will be able to remember sunny summer days all year round.
The juicy and refreshing taste of green apple perfectly complements the high-quality tobacco blend and thus adds another gem to our line of fresh HEETS flavors with fruity tones. The imaginary gem in the name is a special capsule hidden in the latest HEETS fragrance. You can enjoy IQOS even without a capsule. But when you activate it - click on it - get ready for an explosion of flavor.

You can purchase new AboraPearl HEETS in bulk from wholesale supplier Zotty LTD.

HEETS Abora Pearl - Wholesale
Large assortment of original HEETS for Duty Free sale.
Always fresh goods do not exceed 30-60 days from the date of production.
Philip Morris - ITALY.
MOQ - wholesale
Heets sticks can be purchased in bulk from the wholesale supplier Zotty LTD